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Our three programmes serve children, young people & education providers from under-resourced communities. They have developed in response to specific needs expressed by learners, teachers & others in supported communities. 

We intervene at critical points of the education journey to support beneficiaries to prepare for and to succeed at the next stage.



developing under-resourced township educare centres

after-school reading groups to strengthen literacy & reading

Life skills & stimulating environmental extra-mural outings for grades 8 & 9 learners



Early Childhood Development centres care for babies, toddlers and pre-school children while their guardians are working or looking for work. It is crucial that the centres provide age-appropriate stimulation and learning, but all too often the principals and teachers lack the necessary resources, skills or knowledge.


Township educare centres face many challenges, including inadequate physical structures, inexperienced teachers, unhealthy learning environments, poor nutrition, and insufficient emphasis on children’s cognitive, physical, emotional and social development. If they are to register with government and receive subsidies, centres must meet minimum requirements in areas including infrastructure, financial management, curriculum and teacher training. Without funding or support, many centres struggle to upgrade and to meet government requirements.


SAEP works with centres through several years to help them qualify for government registration and subsidies and to become self-sustainable, so that they can deliver quality early learning services to children in Philippi and provide safe, nurturing care to give the children the best possible foundation for their future formal education.


The ECD Resource Centre operates from a cottage at Beautiful Gate in Stock Road, Philippi, making the programme accessible to centres in the area.

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total centres SAEP is working with in Philippi

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children attending ECD centres in Philippi

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teachers attended at least 1 training in 2023

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Grade 3 and 4 learners annually


Improvement in reading comprehension (compared to a control group)


academic awards

received by 25 SPP alumni in 2018


Learners in Grades 3 & 4 at Siyazakha Primary School in Philippi have after-school sessions with trained reading coaches to strengthen their literacy skills, to promote a love of reading and learning.  Until the end of Grade 3, learners are taught in isiXhosa, and in Grade 4 the medium of instruction changes to English.  SPP strengthens their learning capacity during this transition to ensure that the learners have the skills to continue learning in the new medium.


In our programme we:

  • Hold Learning Gym sessions three afternoons a week.   Each session includes group reading as well as some free choice reading.  There is a vibrant story time each week as well, because there is little better than being read to!

  • Develop learning habits to equip children to succeed as relational, resourceful, reflective and resilient learners.

  • Use circle time activities to develop the learners’ emotional vocabulary and give them useful ways to deal with social and emotional aspects of their lives in a positive way.

Hope Scholars
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hikes, camps & environmental excursions since 2015


learners attended at least

1 hike since 2015

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high school learners reached since 2015

Our Hope Scholars programme provides life skills and stimulating extra-mural outings over weekends and during the holidays. The aim is to develop environmentally conscious and responsible young people and to equip them with health education, information about human rights and responsibilities, career guidance, and to broaden their general knowledge and interest in furthering their education. This is done through:


Environmental Education activities

  • Provide opportunities for learners to have life changing experiences through nature on day hikes, excursions and weekend or holiday camps.

  • Grow and mentor learners to become environmental champions and to consider careers in this area, by linking them to environmental and nature conversation organisations.


Personal development and support

  • Run life skills workshops and personal development sessions, to enhance resilience, develop confidence and to encourage learners to take responsibility for their learning.

  • Psycho-social support to address non-academic barriers to learning through parent meetings, access to a social worker, home visits and referrals when necessary.


The Hope Scholars programme has partnered with Tshilidzi (meaning grace) - a group of Hope Scholars alumni (from the early years) had been inspired to start a similar programme to tutor high school students in Philippi.


The partnership is now known as Ihlumelo Hope Scholars (IHS). The programme is currently working with 120 Grade 8 and 9 learners from Zisukhanyo and Sophumelela high schools. The aim of the joint programme is to develop a solid academic foundation for beneficiaries, with strong life skills and resilience. Grade 8 learners are selected for their commitment and motivation to succeed, and then continue in the programme in Grade 9.


Beneficiaries are provided with academic tutoring in maths, science and English and guide Grade 9 learners to choose subjects for the rest of secondary school.  Students are encouraged to select subjects that will expand rather than limit their career choices at tertiary level, and which support their interests and long-term aspirations. They also assist with study skills.


Together Tshilidzi and Hope Scholars will run academic and enrichment camps to supplement these activities, to stimulate an interest in maths and science, and link them to the school curriculum. All these interventions are geared towards helping prepare learners for their final 3 years of high school when they are free to join other academic support programmes. 


Ihlumelo Hope Scholars Programme key values:

  • Responsibility - To ourselves and each other.

  • Honesty - In all that we do.

  • Dedication - Provide the best possible quality of education.

  • Passion - Believe in YOUTH development and the future of the society.

  • Kindness - Show respect for all humanity.

  • Environmental responsibility.


The South African Education Project (SAEP) is a non-profit organisation, based in

Cape Town, South Africa.

Since 1994, we have provided education, life skills, and

psycho-social support programmes for children youth and education providers. 


NPO 028 310  

PBO 930 010 069  

VAT 478 027 0882


First Floor Unit B8
N1 City Mews, N1 City

33°53'39"S 18°33'39.3"E


4925 Mountain Laurel Drive

Lynchburg, VA 24503




Stay up to date on the happenings of SAEP by signing up for our quarterly newsletter!




Site by Grant Everist

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+1 (410) 626-1747

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