Masibambane Educare with a daily capacity of 150 children faces deregistration after the City of Cape Town Environmental Health Department flagged several environment and health related issues at the Centre as non-compliant.
Meeting the required health and safety standards are a key element in the registration certification renewal process to ensure child safety at early childhood development centres in Cape Town. Masibambane obtained conditional registration in 2019 and registration renewal occurs every two years.
Masibambane Educare principal confirmed “I have never received any donor support since I started the Centre 1996 with 20 children. I had long planned to do these upgrades, but it meant that I had to secure a loan. COVID19 affected these plans as the centre closed for more than 6 months – but in the aftermath of it – children’s numbers decreased. Its only until recently things are returning to normal but one needs to be sure of a sustained income over time – to consider applying for credit.”
Staff at the South African Education Project (SAEP) committed their 67 minutes for Mandela Day towards the upgrade and refurbishment of the centre in order to meet compliance standards.
SAEP spokesperson, Shane Everts, confirmed “We have secured a partnership with the Lewis Group who have committed funding towards the facility upgrade. A building contractor have been appointed and all SAEP staff will dedicate their 67 minutes towards building, painting and planting to ensure 150 children stay safe and can continue their learning”.
The scheduled upgrade at Masibambane Educare includes: Re – Roofing of Certain elements of the ECD Centre (Classrooms and ablutions), Re – Construction of the carport, Replacement of FOUR weather side and depilated doors, Replacement of windows, New Kitchen Cupboards, New Kitchen Equipment afforded – 4 plate gas stove, fridge, microwave, Re painting of the school, planting / greening as well as the refurbishment and painting of outdoor play equipment.
“I appreciate the upgrade support which is afforded to us by the South African Education Project SAEP in partnership with The Lewis Group – it came at the right time. The support will enable us to reach the full Environmental Health and Fire Clearances necessary for centre to retain its registrations and subsidisation” – says Ms Nomhle Mgushelo, principal at Masibambane Educare.
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Mr Shane Everts, Head of Communications and Fundraising, South African Education Project (SAEP) 082 537 8721, shane@saep.org
Technical Education-related queries:
Mr Donavan Fullard, Chief Executive Officer, South African Education Project (SAEP) donavan@saep.org
A multi-cohort program promoting access and better education outcomes among children and young adolescents. www.saep.org