Written by: Thumeka Qupuna

South African Education Project Bridging Year Student Eva Mateke is an 18-year-old from Cape Town, Philippi. She recently matriculated in 2021 and decided on taking a gap year as a result of her not applying to enough tertiary institutions in 2021 and getting accepted to further her studies, she later on realized that she had no interest in, this then led her in joining the SAEP bridging year programme. Who she got introduced to by one of SAEP'S employees.
Some of South African Education Project’s (SAEP) core values is Community Service and Ubuntu. We encourage students to give back to their communities while gaining valuable work experience and finding themselves throughout the programme. We also emphasize the importance of Ubuntu (humanity). Ubuntu is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'
YES! I want to help a hero like Eva change the future!
“SAEP equips each and every one of its students with the much-needed knowledge and skills to ensure that they excel in Tertiary education and as well as the job market. One of the many things I for one have benefited from are the student workshops. From equipping students with business knowledge to educating and encouraging students to think green, the list is endless,” said Eva.
Every year SAEP requires and encourages their students to partake in 25 hours of community service, in their respective communities. This means students get to give back to their communities while gaining some work experience in the process. Eva completed her community service as a mathematics tutor for grade 9/10 students, early April 2021. The opportunity gave her a sense of how can one be beneficial and practice UBUNTU in our communities and prompted her to do more, although having completed her full 25 hours, Eva's dedication to her work has resulted in her being hired as a facilitator for an after-school Program in one of the schools in her community.
YES! I want to help a hero like Eva change the future!
“Law and politics have always been a passion of mine and still the career path that I want to pursue in future, especially Human rights law, because I believe everybody’s basic human rights should be equally respected and protected as set out in Chapter Two, Bill of Rights, in The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 0f 1996) . Thanks to SAEP through their collaboration with many Universities, I got a chance to explore a career path in law. I also got introduced to a variety of career choices, a few of which I've interest in".
"I would like to call upon those who can sponsor or fund SAEP and its Programme, by doing so would not only help SAEP to grow as an NGO but help many more South African students/children like me who are from disadvantaged backgrounds have access to the knowledge, resources and skills needed to our daily lives “said Eva.
Campaign or Hero-related queries:
Mr Shane Everts, Head of Communications and Fundraising, South African Education Project (SAEP) 082 537 8721, shane@saep.org
Technical Education-related queries:
Mr Donavan Fullard, Chief Executive Officer, South African Education Project (SAEP) donavan@saep.org
A multi-cohort program promoting access and better education outcomes among children and young adolescents in Philippi. www.saep.org