It's been a year since my appointment as the new CEO of SAEP and what an exciting year it has been!

Another challenging year of mask wearing, sanitizing, lockdowns, isolation and vaccinations, to mention a few of the covid pandemic experiences the last year, but we survived on multiple levels. As I reflect on my first year I recall how challenging it is working within the community of Philippi, with its socio-economic challenges - the high crime rate, poverty and unemployment, to mention a few issues. We have faced two car hijackings which left the affected staff traumatised, but despite these setbacks staff have shown tremendous commitment, dedication and resilience to deliver quality support to the community of Philippi.
I am proud to be part of the SAEP team, which has gained a few new staff members as well as a cohort of 9 young Groen Sebenza interns, all striving towards achieving the vision and goals as developed in our three-year growth and expansion strategy. Exciting times, full of potential and possibilities await us in 2022 and I am looking forward to this year where we build on and strengthen our academic and psycho-social support across the education pipeline, renewed focus on the environment that will ultimately lead to growth and expansion.